On the 20th of June Elevate will have an optional creativity area for those who would like to share and learn in the field of photography. This will take place at 2:30pm as part of the usual monthly meetings at Wellspring Family Centre.
Photography is often a good hobby for people affected by ME and CFS because it’s possible to photography things even if a person is very unwell and has little physical ability. The results can be very rewarding and it can be easy to share the fun and interest with people online.
Here are some photos taken by Elevate member Emily. You can check out more of her photograpy and craftwork which she sells on her website emilyradcliffe.co.uk If you’re on Facebook and you have a chronic illness a great place for inspiration and sharing your photos is at www.facebook.com/groups/1418841361756437/ or search for “chronic photography” using the Facebook search.