National Support
This page is a work in progress. Please see our guides for more signposting.
The ME Association
The ME Association produces a quarterly magazine although the website is very informative. For a yearly subscription will you access to additional services such as a helpline, a medical advisor to respond to medical questions and some free printed guides. The ME association is also active in funding research.
Action for ME
“Action for ME empowers people with ME to fulfil their potential and secure the care and support they need, while working towards a greater understanding of the illness and ultimately a cure.” The website is very informative and has some free guides to various aspects of living with ME or CFS
The 25% ME Group
The 25% ME Group is a unique nationwide charitable organisation managed entirely by volunteers (most of whom are severely affected by ME) and was set up to offer support services to those severely affected by ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis), and their carers. The group is also supported by one full and one part-time members of staff. We provide a wide range of services to people affected by severe ME, many of whom are virtually housebound and/or bedbound.
Services offered
- Twice yearly 40 page Newsletter
- Annual mailings containing information suitable for ME Awareness Week
- Regularly updated Contact List for Members
- Practical and Emotional Support
- Advocacy/Welfare Advice & Assistance
- Telephone Support Helpline
- Resource Library Loan Service/Medical Advice Sheets Service
- Raising Funds to Promote & Support ME Medical Research Institutions
- Various Fundraising Initiatives
- Six Special Interest Groups organised by Members including:-
- Art Club
- Talking Book Service
- Round Robin Tape/Talking Letters
- 25% Links Group
- Meditation Group
- Prayer Group
- Listening Ear Telephone and Welcome Service for members
- MCS Telephone Support Helpline
- NEW – A Memebrs only area.
Better access to the community. Scope is a charity which aims to give people with disabilities more opportunities. One of the ways they do this is by providing volunteers who can help get people out into the community. The website says this can include helping people with disabilities get to social clubs. So if you have transport issues getting to Elevate this might be something that could help you. You can find out more at the following link.
Turn to Us
“Action for ME empowers people with ME to fulfil their potential and secure the care and support they need, while working towards a greater understanding of the illness and ultimately a cure.” The website is very informative and has some free guides to various aspects of living with ME or CFS
Tymes Trust
This is a helpful national support organisation for young people with ME/CFS.