Elevate Facebook Group
Another way to connect with people
- Active group with over 80 people.
- Particularly helpful for those who can’t get to the monthly meetings.
- Get to know people better
- Make new friends
- People discuss living with ME and CFS and share tips.
- People share creativity, photos etc.
- There is discussion about events for those that can get to them; some of these events take place on an unofficial informal basis and never make it on to the Elevate newsletter.
What about those not on Facebook?
We hope to soon start an online forum which will be available to those who don’t use Facebook.
Joining the Facebook group.
The Elevate Facebook group is exclusive to people with ME and CFS who live in Norfolk to avoid the group being an overwhelming size; unless the admins think it is helpful to make rare exceptions.
For safeguarding reasons, prior to accepting you request to join, we like to hear from you to check that you have ME or CFS, or are a carer. Just send us e-mail telling us a little information before using this link to go to the Facebook group. You may also wish to check the terms of use below. We could summarise the terms by saying they are there to keep the group as safe as possible and for the benefit of people with ME or CFS living in Norfolk.
You will need to be signed in to Facebook in another tab before the following link will take you straight to the Facebook page. Elevate Facebook group. Alternatively search for ‘Elevate’ on the Facebook search.
Facebook group Terms of Use
The Facebook page can be accessed by clicking on this link.
1. To keep the group to a managable size members must usually live in Norfolk. Rare exceptions may be made such as volunteers, or those living very near Norfolk and not near another support group.
2. For safeguarding and anti-spam measures members must meet at least one of the following criteria:
a. Have a current or past diagnoses of the conditions, ME, CFS, PVFS.
b. Be a relative or carer of a person with the condition.
c. Be a regular group volunteer.
d. Have special permission from an administrator to join the group for other reasons.
3. Requests to join the group will only be accepted if the following conditions are met by the person or group sending the request:
a. At least one of the criteria under point 1 (above) is met.
b. Before joining one or more private Facebook or e-mail messages are exchanged giving reasonable evidence of term 2.a unless an administrator has already seen this satisfactory evidence.
4. Rules and Restrictions on Submissions.
Users should exercise common sense and courtesy in submitting comments or materials for posting on the Facebook Group (“Submissions”).
a. Inappropriate Submissions would include, for example, comments or materials that:
i. are obscene, vulgar, abusive, hateful, threatening;
ii. harass or discriminate on the basis of race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference or other factors;
iii. invade the privacy rights of others (e.g., by including addresses, phone numbers or other personal information about third persons without their consent.)
iv. are insensitive to other members e.g. posting huge amounts of information that leaves many group members feeling overwhelmed.
b. Forbidden Submissions include:
i. Information promoting or strongly advising use of treatments without recommending that people also check first with their doctor that they are safe; this mostly applies to treatments involving medication but please use common sense. Even if a treament appears to be helping a lot of people it still might have unknown, possibly detrimental, or event life-threatening dangers for some people. Elevate does NOT have a qualified medical advisor and we always recommend members always discuss treatments with their healthcare professionals. Although we do not forbid or discourage members from asking each other about treatments and discussing them, we cannot be held responsible for the effects of any treatments which people start taking after hearing about them from members of Elevate.
ii. materials that violate the copyrights, trademark rights or other intellectual property rights of third parties.
iii. materials or links that are using the Facebook Group for commercial purposes. Submissions may not include advertisements for goods or services, solicitations, “spam”, chain letters, surveys, pyramid schemes or the like.
iv. unauthorized disclosures of proprietary or confidential information.
v. Users may not use the Facebook Group to promote or provide instructional information about illegal activities or for any purpose that may be illegal.
5. Member Removal Policy
a. If it is discovered that a member has been dishonest about meeting the criteria listed in terms 1 & 2, when joining the group, he/she will be removed unless an administrator sees a reasonable reason not to do so.
b. If an administrator sees reasonable evidence that a member has made an inappropriate or forbidden submissions (examples given in term 4) that member will be warned not to make such a submission again, unless their was clear intention to cause serious harm or offence and in which case that member may be removed immediately.
c. If an administrator sees reasonable evidence of a member making illegal submissions, or being involved in illegal activities through use of this Facebook group, these may be reported and the member may be removed from the group depending on the nature of the offence.
6. Information found on the Facebook Group
The views expressed in comments and submissions, or in linked info do not necessarily represent the views of Elevate.