I recommend checking out and supporting this award winning film about ME ‘Unrest’
There is a form below to help get it screened in Norwich.
There is a form that you can fill in which will increase the chances of it being screened in Norwich if you think you might be well enough to go to the screening.
From the website:
During our community screenings tour, we plan to do a *limited* number of events where members of the local community who are homebound due to ME or other disabilities will be able to watch the film from home alongside theater-going audiences and participate in Q&A’s. The film will eventually be more widely available to homebound audiences via DVD and online – we just don’t yet know the details of how or when. In the meantime, if you are homebound, you can help raise awareness by encouraging your friends, family and allies to see the film when it comes to their town, at a festival or in theaters.