Elevate has organised events in mid, south, and west Norfolk, a Broads trip but so far nothing in the north where we have long-running members. We already have a good number hoping to come to this event if health and weather allows.
Cromer Event details:
Attractions: wheelchair accessible pier and promenade, and other seaside attractions.
UPDATE: some of us will be visiting the RNLI Henry Blogg Museum which is free but we’ve asked to give numbers for reserving a place to contact us if you’d definitely like to go. http://www.rnli.org/aboutus/historyandheritage/museums/Pages/Henry-Blogg-Museum.aspx
Arrive: when you like.
Meeting point and time: Entrance to the pier 2pm.
Disabled access: Elevate down to the promenade and up to the pier level in it’s lift!
Parking: 20 spaces on the promenade for blue badge holders. Non-disabled spaces nearby streets e.g. Cliff avenue. Or car park by the tourist information; or car park where the buses drop off.
Updates: It may be cancelled last minute if the weather forecast is terrible. You can contact the Elevate mobile number if you would like info 07538 801778
Extra events in the pipeline:
- Hunstanton sealife centre at some point if we can get a special offer on ticket prices.
- Possible bowling and indoor lightweight archery at some point although these are better for the cold months of the year.